Here is some information about us , because it is important to know who will take care of you abroad.
My name is Janet and i am the owner of Greennature travel , I am born in the Netherlands and moved to Turkey years ago to make my dreams come true.
And yes my dreams did come true , i do what i like ( organizing trips, hiking holidays and, 7 churches of Asia tours) in a great country! It feels like i am living in paradise.
As i worked allready in 2003 as a guide in Kusadasi i know exactly what is nice to do and i am experienced in this buisiness. So it feels like a whole year of vacation for me. We only do small groups ( 2-10 persons) and only authentic things , so for us no lazy sand , sun and barstreet holidays. Because they are the same in Greece and in Spain. We want to show you the real Turkey, with its beautifull mountains, lovely locals , villagelife and traditions. Of course some nice foods, and culture and history is also very available in this beautifull country. So when you come home , you will have great memories and you can say we tasted Turkey, and we want to taste more…..
As i lived in Kusadasi for a long time i know exactly all the nice spots over there where the general tourist do not come, 3 years ago i moved to Datca and during covid i had lots of time to discover more and more nice gems over here, as well as the Carian trail who starts in the province of Aydin and shows us all nice places from the south west part of Turkey. The Carian trail is a coastal hiking and we are pretty sure you will just love it as much as we do!
If you want to book a hiking holiday just write an e mail with your travel dates and from where ( Datca or Kusadasi) and we will arrange it for you.Do not forget to leave your phone number so we will contact you. Optional you can choose to stay longer ( arrive earlier or leave later we can inform you about the hotel price )
We did choose for perfection, so your transportation is fixed here on the hiking days and we will pick you up from the airport and bring you back to the airport . Because on the Carian trail it is difficult to find a taxi or a dolmus to bring you back to your hotel. We also decided to put a guide on your hiking trails, a guide who speaks your language we found one from Izmir in Kusadasi ( i know him for many years he lived in the Netherlands as well and we share the same passion for hiking) and of course me in Datca …Most other companys are sending you on your own , but it is easy to get lost … And some days on our trails we do not see other people so we believe it is very nessecary that there is a guide with you . Also the guide can show you nice spots , explain something on the way and if it is nessecary he helps you out with problems. Because we hike with small groups from 2 till 10 persons our holidays are a bit more expensive , but if you calculate taxi costs over your hotel price i think you are out even more cheap.
The hotels that we selected are all 4 stars hotels with clean rooms and near the city centre , they all have free wifi.and serve a good breakfast, they know all that you are hiking so you can make some sanwidches and take some fruit from the breakfast for in your backpack ( you do not have to feel guilty about it 🙂
On our hikes we care for each other, as we are walking we will have brakes to make pictures we wait for each other so no one is leaving behind. Also we will make some stops to drink and eat something, we have time , you are on holiday and it is important that you will enjoy that!
See you soon on one of our hiking holidays in Datca or Kusadasi.